Hello and Welcome to my Blog! My name is Lewdo, and I am Excited to Talk to You Today about Anahata, better known as the Heart Chakra.
Anahata is the Fourth of the Seven Chakras… It is Associated with the color Green and is Located in the Center of the Chest. This Chakra Represents Love, Affection, Compassion, & Connection to Others, and is Symbolized by the Element of Air.
When Anahata is Open and Balanced, We Experience Feelings of Love, Warmth, and Empathy Towards Others, as well as a Sense of Inner Peace and Contentment. However, when our Anahata Chakra is Out of Balance or Blocked, We May Experience Feelings of Loneliness, Isolation, or Bitterness. We may, also, Develop Difficulties in Forming Close Relationships or Bonds, and Begin Feeling Disconnected from Those Around Us.
Achieving Balance in the Heart Chakra can have a Significant Impact on Our Lives. When We Learn to Open Our Hearts and Cultivate Feelings of Love & Compassion, We Become More Receptive to the Beauty and Wonders that Surround Us. We are Better Able to Form Deep and Meaningful Connections with the World & Others, which Can Lead to Greater Happiness and Fulfillment in this Life.

So, How Can We Achieve Balance in Anahata?
1. Practice of Yoga and Meditation: Focus Attention on Your Heart’s Center… Begin to Cultivating Feelings of Love & Compassion Towards Yourselves & Others. Some Yoga Poses that Can Help Activate the Heart Chakra include Camel Pose, Cobra Pose, and Fish Pose.
2. Acts of Kindness and Generosity: Extend Love and Compassion to Everything Within Nature. Create Positive Energy that Can Help to Open Our Hearts while Connecting Us to the Environment Around Us… Simple Acts of Kindness, such as Smiling at a Stranger or Offering a Helping Hand, Can Go a Long Way towards Creating a More Loving & Connected World.
In Addition to these Practices, there are also Many Healing Crystals and Essential Oils that Can Be Used to Balance Anahata. Rose Quartz is a Popular Crystal Known for its Ability to Open the Heart Chakra and Promote Feelings of Love and Compassion. Essential Oils such as Lavender, Bergamot, and Ylang-Ylang can also be Used to Create a Sense of Relaxation & Calmness, which Can Help to Open the Heart Chakra.
In conclusion, Anahata is a Vital Chakra that Can Open Ourselves Up to a World of Love, Compassion, and Inner Peace. If your Heart Chakra is Fully Open and You Feel Compassionate, Feel Free to Donate to Lewdo’s Cause to ‘Save Spiritual Art & Music!’
Thank You for Reading!! If you have any Questions, Comments, Concerns, or if You are Interested in Purchasing Anahata Art (or Yoga Art), Show Your Affection and Connect with Me – Lewdo – on all Social Media Platforms. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube and Pinterest. I Love Sharing my Art & Spiritual Journey with Others, and I would be Honored to Connect with You.
Are You Filled with Love & Compassion? If so, what are Some Ways in which You Open Your Heart to the World? If not, Why Not?